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We have completed many projects over the years in effort to restore and maintain the beauty and benefit of the Summer Haven River. 


Restoration of the Dunes

The ocean dune system adjacent to the Summer Haven River

provides protection for A1A, an Evacuation Route and the Summer Haven River, as well as homes and rental properties. It also provides sea turtle nesting habitat. When the dunes were not in place, ocean water has flowed

directly over A1A and into residential communities. Overtopping of this

roadway also creates very hazardous driving conditions.





The northern section of dune along the Summer Haven River beach, built with sand excavated from the River to restore it, has withstood a number of nor'easters and Hurricane Dorian. This restoration project was funded by a State grant and managed by the St. Augustine Port, Waterway and Beach District. 





More than 18,000 sea oats were provided by Friends of the Summer Haven River and planted by over 100 volunteers.  The sea oats have thrived and multiplied.

Survey for Long-term Solutions: ONGOING

St. Johns County will soon be conducting a study of the Summer Haven River and surrounding areas. The purpose of the study is to provide an environmentally and financially sustainable long-term solution to maintain the flow of the Summer Haven River. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

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